World Mental Health Day 2020

World Mental Health Day is on the 10th October. The pandemic and lockdown have dramatically increased the prevalence of mental health challenges globally and it has become more important than ever to ensure we are looking after our own mental health, as well as looking out for others’ too.

With a high volume of changes and instability and the adjustment to working at home, it is integral to do the things that make you feel good and protect your mental wellbeing. Below are two links to websites with tips and ideas about how to look after your mental health during the crisis and how to support friends, family and colleagues.

Mental Health Support at Voluntary Action South West Surrey

At VASWS, we run various projects and services to support people with mental ill-health or overcoming mental health challenges. See below for how we can help:

Welcome to Volunteering:

The Welcome to Volunteering project supports people into volunteering to help increase their confidence and skills. The project provides ongoing support to help people take up and sustain volunteering roles. If you would like to refer someone to the project or ask questions about how Lorraine and Claire can support an individual in the coming months please contact Lorraine Yates,

Welcome Buddies:

This project works with people overcoming mental ill-health to integrate into the community and take part in activities that make them feel good. Volunteer buddies are paired with people and will support them into engaging.

Denise Graves needs volunteer buddies to help support those who are recovering from mental-ill health to engage with their community. Social distancing guidelines are being strictly followed. If you have any questions, would like to make a referral or volunteer, please contact Denise Graves,

Social Prescribing:

Link Workers for Social Prescribing are based at VASWS and are working with people in Guildford and Waverley to connect them to support and services that make them feel better. Referrals must come through GPs or other health professionals.

For more information, please call 01483 504626.